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Why is Chinese a good language to learn?

There are billions of speakers of Chinese. Europeans are wanting to learn it in greater numbers. Here, we examine the how and the why.

Mandarin Chinese stands out as the one language everyone should make an effort to learn. It has more native speakers than any other language, at over 900 million, and is only expected to become more widely spoken as the country’s economy develops.

While languages within the Indo-European family, such as Spanish and English, have a wider worldwide audience, Mandarin Chinese’s massive native speaker population puts it in the top place. In this transparent move, South Koreans explain why China is so important to their East Asian economic partners.

Western nations, too, depend on it greatly. Standard addition China’s economic success and its centrality to global supply lines, learning Mandarin is a good investment.

Gaining an understanding of Chinese culture, expanding one’s professional network, meeting new people and seeing the world are just a few of the numerous reasons to study the language. In fact, learning Chinese has never been more relevant than it is right now. There are of the many reasons why Chinese can be studied which are as follows:

Travel to China:

The most significant advantage of studying Mandarin is that it enables you to explore the fascinating nation of China on your own. If you are not the average tourist, take the opportunity to study Mandarin, and you will discover the “true China” on your travels. Even if you have poor language abilities, locals will appreciate your efforts and will go out of their way to greet you.

Career Opportunities:

China’s rising economic might has been widely reported on for decades. More than 800 million people have been pulled out of poverty as a result of the country’s constant annual growth rate of approximately 10%, as reported by the World Bank.

Increasing numbers of businesses in the nation are now able to function despite the fact that their employees speak different languages due to the country’s newly established commercial ties with the West.

Mandarin-speaking graduates may work in business, diplomacy, engineering, science, law, philosophy, political science, technology, finance, tourism, translation, and more.

A landmark study of languages in the U.S. employment market showed that Chinese is the most-requested language after Spanish by employers and has had the fastest increase. Between 2010 and 2015, Chinese-language job advertisements climbed by 230%. Chinese speakers can help domestic firms, organizations, and government agencies advertise to and service Chinese-speaking populations.

Nearly two-thirds of the 3 million Chinese-speaking U.S. citizens have inadequate English ability. Knowing Mandarin Chinese is therefore very advantageous if you want a job that requires interaction with Chinese clients or vendors. You may benefit from learning Chinese even if you have no plans to relocate your company to a nation where people speak Chinese.

Boost your CV:

By knowing Chinese, you may be essential to the accomplishment of a project in China and stand out for your brilliance.

Job hunting? Your resume might be lacking. Adding Chinese to that document may change everything.

Even though companies don’t need foreign language proficiency, it shows you’re a devoted learner with intellectual capacity. You’ll be an useful team member for most firms, particularly those with China-related initiatives or collaborations.

Work in China:

China has welcomed international investment and economic collaboration by opening itself to the globe. As a result, there is a huge need for professionals who can connect this new China with the rest of the globe.

The Culture:

Learning Chinese reveals one of the world’s wealthiest and oldest civilizations. When you study Chinese, you learn about Chinese history, culture, religious beliefs, and aesthetic traditions. The more you learn, the more you’ll grasp China’s history and present.

There are thousands of years of history and culture in China. Due to the country’s diversity, even under the current Communist Party’s administration, it is probably not helpful to refer to a singular “Chinese” culture.

In reality, China has played a pivotal role in shaping global history. Paper, printing, gunpowder, and the compass are widely agreed upon by Sinologists to have travelled from China to Europe through the Silk Road.

Although amazing in scope, this offers a rather general picture of China’s cultural impact. Understanding the significance of this region requires an understanding of the local language.

The ability to speak Mandarin will look good on your resume since it shows that you are well-rounded and prepared to go the extra mile to communicate effectively.

The Literature:

Chinese literature has been around for thousands of years. Early literature centered on Confucius were among the most influential, although subsequent poetry and classical fiction would progress a variety of literary styles (well before the Enlightenment would precipitate a similar Golden Age in Europe).

Chinese literature, both ancient and modern, originates from a very different cultural setting than Western literature. However, in order to really understand it, one must read it in its original language. There is also a more practical barrier: many masterpieces of Chinese literature have not been translated into English, therefore one must admire them as they are.

If one wants to comprehend modern China, one must first understand Confucianism. According to Professor May-Tan Mullins of the University of Nottingham’s China Campus, the rebirth of Confucian ideas may be “more than merely governmental propaganda.”

The Food:

Chinese cuisine, or at least a Western influence version of it, is popular in Britain. Learning Chinese can help one understand the menu and make more informed decisions. Unsurprisingly, “chow-mein” refers to stir-fried noodles. Lo-mein is Chinese for “tossed noodles.”

As visitors gain knowledge of the menu, one can eventually feel more at ease ordering something that is a little less familiar. One could even grow to like Chinese food that doesn’t come packaged in a little cardboard box.

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Facts About Chinese Language Is Essential For Your Success

Language and culture are inextricably related to one another. When individuals of various cultures interacted with one another, new varieties of language began to emerge, which led to the development of linguistic diversity. It is essential for the study of the culture of any nation that one first become fluent in the language of that nation. Because of this, language and culture have become linked.

At the present, all of the rich nations and the emerging countries of the globe are focusing their attention on China. This is due to the fact that China has achieved advancements in every aspect, and it is expected to continue that China will become the next global powerhouse in the near future. This is the basic reason why individuals are increasingly interested in learning about the culture and language of China. 

People who are interested in entering into the immense Chinese market will find that China offers a variety of opportunities. If you want to establish a company in another nation, you need to master the language of that country. This will allow you to understand the culture and preferences of the target market, which will allow you to better organize your products and services to meet the needs of that market.

Many People opt to learn the Chinese Language:

The 20th of April is marked as Chinese Language Day. The United Nations came up with the idea for this event to honor the many cultural traditions and languages that are spoken in China. People in poor nations are showing an incredible amount of interest in studying Chinese as a second language. According to Ethnologue, the number of people who speak Chinese is around 1.3 million. The vast majority of individuals are able to communicate fluently in Chinese. There are around 7.7 million individuals all over the globe that are able to communicate using the Chinese language. This demonstrates that one individual out of every six is able to communicate using this language.

Receiving Red Envelope is considered Auspicious

When you are given a red envelope in China, it is often stuffed with money and other presents. Everyone who attended a wedding, a family reunion, or the Chinese New Year received one of these envelopes, with the exception of children and older family members. The colour red is symbolic with successful outcomes. In addition to this, the Chinese people believe that it drives away bad spirits. In addition, red is a colour that is often used by Chinese people while decorating towns and cities for the New Year. As a result, the colour red is seen as being fortunate in Chinese culture. It is necessary to know the Chinese language in order to comprehend this cultural feature.

Chinese is One of the Oldest Languages of the World

In 1250 BC, Chinese characters gave rise to the earliest written form of the Chinese language. It all started during the late Shang dynasty when it all began. Three thousand years have passed since the Chinese writing system was developed. It may be spoken in a wide variety of ways and dialects. There are native speakers of this language located in 37 different countries throughout the globe. The Chinese language, in all of its varieties, is now at the forefront of linguistic research in the present era. The origins of Mandarin Chinese may be traced back to 1250 BC, when the language was found to have been written on oracle bones.

During the Zhou dynasty, which lasted from the 11th to 7th century B.C., the Old Chinese language, also known as Archaic, was spoken. The teachings of ancient Chinese literature were often cast in bronze and used to decorate various artefacts.

Different dynasties contributed to the development of the Chinese language throughout its history. Various varieties of the Chinese language are used in different parts of China nowadays. Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese are two of the most common varieties of the Chinese language that are used in daily conversation in China.

The Relevance of the Chinese Zodiac Sign

The Chinese zodiac is very important in Chinese culture. These symbols represent the Chinese calendar’s 12-year cycle. One fascinating aspect of the zodiac signs is that they are represented by animal signs. These signals can reveal people’s personality features. Animals exhibit these personality qualities as well.

The majority of Chinese people still believe in superstitions and predictions based on the Chinese zodiac. Many Chinese individuals seek partnerships based on the compatibility represented by the Chinese zodiac.

Furthermore, while seeking for a business partner, they use zodiac sign predictions to see whether they would get along with them readily.

In general, the Chinese zodiac signs instruct individuals how to spend their life since they believe in astronomy. Thus, in China, zodiac science plays an important role in affecting the Chinese people and culture.

Mandarin is a tone-based language:

The Chinese language consists of a number of dialects, with Mandarin being one of the most prominent. There are around % of Chinese speakers who are fluent in Mandarin. It is a language that makes use of tone. Therefore, if you are fluent in English, studying Mandarin could be challenging for you since it is a very different language. Due to the fact that the way a word is pronounced may have a significant impact on its meaning, it is of the utmost significance to have a firm grasp of the various tones. In China, everyone speaks Mandarin, a tonal language that’s also used as a lingua franca. It would be much simpler for you to move to China if you are able to speak this language.

There are a lot of individuals who speak Cantonese who also have some level of Mandarin comprehension. People who speak Mandarin really do it the opposite way around. Learning Cantonese might be challenging for those who are more proficient in Mandarin. Because of its widespread usage, Mandarin Chinese is often regarded as the world’s most useful second language.

Use of WeChat in China:

In China’s technological realm, WeChat is essential. It looks like Facebook. In China, it is a challenger to Weibo. Similar to WhatsApp, it offers an instant messaging facility. Like Apple and Google, it is an app store. You may video call and send messages with this practical app. Additionally, you may use online payments as a technique for promotion. WeChat is a fairly well-known app despite being a Chinese app if you compare it to Facebook, the biggest social networking site in the world.

WeChat, in core, is a multi-tasking platform that offers businesses and customers genuine comfort by carrying out a number of standard tasks. The fact that you don’t have to move between applications is important.

One billion people actively use WeChat, which is the only app of its kind in China. It is one of just five applications worldwide to reach this milestone.

China Family System:

Family is highly valued in Chinese culture. They have set standards for each member of the family. The Chinese culture places a high value on respecting one’s elders and adhering to their directives. It would be rude if they didn’t follow the family’s rules.

The parental role is important in every family. They are capable of exercising dominance over children. However, children have little control over their own lives. It is essential that they follow the rules set out by their elders. The importance of honoring one’s elders is taught in children from a young age.

Chinese is written from Top to Bottom left:

Chinese writing was often done vertically from top to bottom. Consequently, you may begin writing from the top right of the page to the bottom left. However, the impact of Western terms and languages is significant, and this has caused the shift from left to right writing.

Do you know there are 50,000 written characters in Chinese? Do not get alarmed since a few thousand characters are often used. Mandarin is taught using Chinese characters in Chinese linguistics.

Chinese people are Avid Game players:

Mahjong and Chinese chess are two low-key Chinese Games that you could see people playing on the street if you take a walk across China.

Both young and old like these activities. Compared to games like “Candy Crush” and “Subway,” they are much more fun to play.

In case you weren’t aware, mobile devices in China are far cheaper than computer hardware and game consoles. Furthermore, individuals are more likely to play popular games due to the availability of reliable internet access and facilities.

Dim Sum, Traditional Chinese Cuisine:

Mahjong and Chinese chess are two low-key Chinese Games that you can encounter people playing on the street if you take a stroll around China. Both of these games were developed in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

These are activities that are enjoyed by people of all ages. They are a lot more enjoyable to play when compared to games like “Candy Crush” and “Subway,” respectively.

In case you were unaware, the cost of mobile devices in China is far lower than that of computer hardware and gaming consoles. In furthermore, the availability of reliable internet connection and amenities has led to an increase in the number of people participating in popular gaming activities.

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Reasons to learn Chinese language for Pakistani students

Any second language is worth learning. Language-learning stimulates the intellect, improves multitasking, and boosts Level of intelligence. Learning a new language may open the door to a new culture and help you comprehend its people and traditions.

I believe studying any foreign language is beneficial. Why not start with Chinese, considering our strong relations?

International companies seek bilingual employees. China is a major market, thus company executives want employees who can speak Chinese and work in Chinese culture.

Chinese is a valuable ability to have. The youth should study Chinese so Pakistan may build an entrepreneurial culture with Chinese help, not Western aid. Learning Chinese will let young students share their unique ideas with Chinese peers.

There has been a rise in desire to learn Chinese in Pakistan. CPEC and the associated employment opportunities are a major factor in the region’s growing popularity. To take advantage of the ongoing initiatives between the two nations, job-seekers and company owners alike may profit from learning this language. China is rising to world leadership and has great regard for Pakistanis. Not to forget, they consider us as their friends. There are of the reasons why Chinese language is important for Pakistani students which are as follows:

Importance of learning Chinese in Pakistan:

Pakistanis are embracing the Chinese language, with private Chinese (Mandarin) language instruction centers popping up left, right, and center. The Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (Tevta) has allocated 47 institutions across 23 districts. Mandarin lessons are also available at Punjab University’s Confucius Institute, the National University of Modern Languages, the Government College University, and the University of Central Punjab. Tevta received 11,000 applications for Chinese language courses this year, with a total of 30,000 people learning the language. The government has mostly supported the language and is gradually implementing Mandarin in public schools, colleges, and institutions. Many of the students are just entrepreneurs looking to expand their market reach. Many organizations and businesses are also pushing their staff to learn the language in order for the company to grow as a whole.

Power of Youth Empowerment:

It is simple for our country to develop once we have overcome the language barrier. For example, since everyone in Pakistan speaks Urdu, we may do business or look for work in any region of the nation. Similarly, if we establish ourselves as proficient Chinese speakers, we will be able to do business with great ease on Chinese territory. Once we’ve mastered the topic, we’ll be able to open shop locations in Pakistan’s Chinese communities. And, if required, go to China to enhance their financial situation. According to statistics, Pakistan’s population is presently more than 50% young, which is more than we need to go further. So, if we study hard, we can do more in less time and provide the country with the integrity it has deserved from its foundation.

Opens up Business and Employment Opportunities:

Businesses in Pakistan need solid connections with their Chinese competitors because of China’s rising economy and the widespread use of Chinese goods across the country. Learning Chinese has many practical applications outside the domain of international trade. For young people in Pakistan, learning Chinese may also mean more access to education and career prospects. Knowing Chinese will make one an attractive candidate for the estimated 40,000 Chinese interpreting jobs that will become available over the next several years as a direct result of the CPEC.

Learning a new language may open up a variety of professional doors, including:

  • Language Instructor
  • Language interpreter
  • Professional Translator
  • Tourist guide translator
  • Content Writer

Learning Chinese isn’t as hard as portrayed

If one were to do a survey of people who are interested in learning a new language, most of them would say that they avoid Chinese because of its difficult writing. Learning Chinese, however, is not hard at all, and can be done in Pakistan or anywhere else. Although there are 80,000 characters in the Chinese writing system, only roughly 3,000 to 4,000 are truly essential to learn in order to speak Chinese proficiently.

There is also no need to worry about subject-verb agreement, plurals, tenses, or verb tense. Chinese avoids the problems of English Grammar because different tones of one’s voice do not communicate multiple meanings of the same word. This also implies that one may get away with memorizing a smaller portion of the Chinese vocabulary in order to pass oneself off as multilingual.

Chinese Language involves Simple Grammar

Learning Chinese is a fiction. Ignore Chinese language critics and consider learning it simple. You can easily speak it. A fiction. Once you comprehend the value of this language, its complexity won’t matter. People think its writing method is tough to learn. If you learn the fundamentals, it’s easy to learn. This language has no tenses, genders, or grammatical difficulties.

Chinese language can be learned by using Computer Assisted Techniques:

Learning Chinese was once one of the most time-consuming tasks one could do. This level of education, however, has recently become simple and even exciting. The best strategies for learning this language have been developed in recent times. Computer-assisted language learning tools such as Pleco, Memrise, and Anki have made it possible for even the most technologically impaired among us to quickly and efficiently master Mandarin Chinese.